My Money Plan
A bank trying to help its customers prosper
iOS & Android apps

My Role

I joined HSBC as  lead UI designer in the Wealth & Insurance team. Their ambition; to help all customers improve their financial wellbeing.

My Money Plan

My Money Plan (working title) is a feature with big ambitions. To help customers get a better understanding of their finances by using their data to give them a tailored 'plan'. This MVP for iOS and Android, is a stripped back version of the final goal, but still an achievement for the bank. To begin with, carefully curated articles will be available. These articles are published on the web and pulled into the app and rendered natively from JSON files. Clever stuff!  

My role was to work closely with the product owner to create the end to end journey, to prototype, test and iterate and to keep the developers supplied with assets and specs so they could keep their sprints moving. 

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07515 514 363
© Dan Chippendale 2022
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